This blog is solely about the start-to-finish construction of a house.
It is recommended to start at the earliest post and proceed chronologically.

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January 28, 2015

Tile Work Begins

Sloped Grout Bed in the Shower
The tile guys started today. 

Jet Engine

This lil' rocket is basting away in the house right now to help dry out all the wet joint compound.

January 27, 2015

Bye Bye Old Friend

Longboat to Valhalla
The faithful Mazda Truck has departed, after a sudden transmission issue.

The truck's Living Will said "do not revive", and so it passes on to run free on the highways of the great beyond.

Special thanks to FBD for the long-term loan of the truck - I owe you big.

January 26, 2015

Mystery Siding

A patch of blue siding is still missing from the north side of the house for some time now.

Drywall Progress Pictures

Kitchen & Breakfast Nook

Drywall joint treatment continues. 

Here are a variety of photos for those who like to see the wet part of drywall.

January 23, 2015

Darn it Marcos!

When the drywallers make a mistake, they have to sign it to let the boss know who did it.

Marcos is on a roll.

January 21, 2015

To the Dump

One of many loads I hauled to Recology today.  Clean wood waste.

Drywall Progress

M. Bath skylight
Drywall is going up quickly.  In two and a half days, these 4 guys have managed to hang 85% of the rock.

Here are some progress pictures.

January 19, 2015

Drywall Arrives

Today the drywall was delivered and craned into the house. 

January 16, 2015

Lower Fascia

Drywall is scheduled for Monday, so it was high time to install the fascia boards on the lower canopies.  (It forms the edge to contain the soffit drywall)

January 13, 2015

The Therminator

What "The Predator" sees
The Energy Trust was nice enough to come out with a thermal imaging camera, to scan the building.